leadership and Confidence Coaching
Strong leaders take all the confusion and create the path for all to follow
But we have to lead ourselves effectively first? If not, how can we lead others?
EVERYONE is a leader. You lead yourself all day long, and you may not do so very well. Although traditionally, we mostly think of business roles requiring leadership skills, however, all can significantly benefit from developing Leadership and confidence skills.
If you are a human, whether you are a volunteer, a student, an entrepreneur, or work in a corporation where you want to be a confident, practical, and inspiring leader, you are in the right place.
Using Emotional Intelligence and Energy Leadership will equip and empower you to leverage your God-given strengths and qualities while developing the areas of opportunity to communicate and relate effectively with others.

As an example, consider your inner dialogue. I bet much of the time, you're not too kind to yourself. But, guess what... negative thoughts inside send negative, uncertain words outside, which create negative perceptions and unproductive actions.
All of that negativity hurts efficiency, effectiveness, relationships, and results.
Imagine feeling never satisfied, always blaming and expecting more of others while feeling guilty that you don't have it all together. The result is the workplace, and home are chaotic, combative, and draining.
Now imagine being clear on what needs to happen to exceed your goals while feeling confident and energized as you lead yourself and others with genuine understanding, support, and guidance.
Then, results are met with ease, fun, and innovation that exceeds even the wildest dreams and highest hopes you have imagined.

Through Our Coaching

Examples of soft skills you'll develop and leverage:
Healthy self-regard that flips the script on that little and loud negative voice in your head.
Emotional awareness and regulation to be confident, empathic, and self-directing simultaneously.
Assertive, constructive communication skills that develop mutually satisfying relationships.
Problem-solving, decision-making, and impulse control bring clear and compelling direction while motivating and developing the best in others.
Flexibility, stress tolerance, and optimism in even the most challenging decisions and situations to quickly turn stressful conditions into more remarkable wins.
The Leadership and Confidence Coaching Package, you get:
12 weeks of personal support includes:
(1) EQ-i 2.0™ Assessment with a 90-minute jumpstart session for goal-setting and results mapping.
(2) Video training modules about the benefits of emotional intelligence and how it affects you as a leader.
(1) Video training module on the top derailers of effective leadership and how to identify and overcome them.
(9) 1:1 45-minute sessions for complete support toward actualizing specific goals.
AND, Brief Text and Email support in between sessions
Ready to become the most secure version of yourself who leads with connection and inspiration for soul-filling, mid-blowing success?
Looking for a shorter option to try it out?
Ask about the 6-week Starter Package
(then please fill out the form that pops us after you book, that way, I can be prepared to help you)